Penguin Performance

The baby penguins put on a show!

  • Shared on Mar 11, 2013
  • 11 Remixes
  • 7 Tags

  • michelle

    m0nkeykat, julian and awesomeness123 bookmarked this world.

    on Jan 02, 2015
  • michelle

    danat2014, awesomeness123, julian and 2 more liked this world.

    on Nov 12, 2014
  • awesomeness123

    awesomeness123 admired this:


    Posted on Aug 22, 2014
  • awesomeness123

    awesomeness123 asked a question:


    Posted on Jul 31, 2014
  • awesomeness123

    awesomeness123 asked a question:

    Posted on Jul 31, 2014
  • michelle

    michelle asked a question:

    Hey awesomeness123, if you bookmark this here, you can remix the clap into your own animation inside of Looking Glass- just look for the 'remix' button and then look for it in your bookmarked worlds!

    Posted on Jul 31, 2014
  • awesomeness123

    awesomeness123 asked a question:

    how do you make them clap?

    Posted on Jul 30, 2014
  • awesomeness123

    awesomeness123 asked a question:

    how do you make them clap?

    Posted on Jul 30, 2014
  • michelle

    michelle shared the world Penguin Performance.

    posted on Mar 11, 2013