Into the Code

  • Feb 01, 2013

Atalie and I are working on remixes this semester. Remixing isn't very present on the site, appearing only on the world show pages and as a sorting option in the worlds index. Caitlin has built prefabricated remixes, meaning that rather than finding a world on the community site in order to remix it, there exist remixes that other people have already created. Our goal for the semester is to make remixes highly visible on the website, and to implement a system that encourages easy searching through the remixes.

Last week we brainstormed ways to integrate remixes into many aspects of the website. This week was about starting to code the basic ideas. I started out by making the remix controller, and then worked on the index page and partial. The partial is, at present, just a video player, because Atalie and I had decided that that was the most effective way for users to quickly and easily browse through remixes. The overlay bar with the options proved difficult, because the layering on the world bar (off of which I was basing the remix bar) was broken for the admin menu. In an effort to test the way the remixes looked, we tried to remix from worlds in the IDE, but the thumbnails/snapshots and videos weren't showing up. I used some of the world videos and snapshots to fabricate remix files for the fixtures. Next up is working towards adding tags to remixes and then probably changing the way remixes appear on the world show page.


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