Fresh Eyes
- Oct 04, 2012
At last week's meeting Aarthi presented a big list of things she'd noticed in our current version of Looking Glass that seem less than ideal. One of the things she commented about was the fact that the play & explore view records once. If you change the code it doesn't re-evaluate, it just calmly shows you the original recording over and over again. One of the things that's been on the todo list for a while is to make it uneditable to avoid this problem. But.
We know that tuning animations is a common activity in Looking Glass, particularly as people start to create more detailed animations. And having to rewatch your entire program in order to get the details of a motion at the end right kind of stinks. We've built this entire infrastructure for recording what happened and smoothly transitioning from recorded execution to live execution. In theory we have all the ingredients to make it so you can go all the way to the end of your story and then play with the details of different animations. Supporting this kind of interaction is officially on my wish list now. It sometimes amazes me how easy it is to populate a wish list.
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